Have your products been standing in a storm of price slashing? Isn’t it difficult for you to secure the profits out of your products developed with much effort?
Today, it is difficult time to differentiate your products from others. We propose that you should add the 3D technology to your products and make them more value-added products for your customers. When you get ahead of others in differentiation, you will be on the road of success.
Based on auto 2D to 3D conversion program
Images from TV, DVD, and video are cut into a single frame to create two images, left and right for stereoscopic image.
And then, the left and right images are combined and delivered based on the form at used of a device.
One of the features of the 3D Board/ LSI is a real-time image transfer.
Another feature is that they can be installed without requiring major changes of your current system since your current system does the final process of the images converted by the 3D Board / LSI and deliver to a monitor.
Adding a 2D/3D switching function enables you to enjoy both 2D and 3D.
Auto 2D to 3D Covnersion & Its Program
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They certify that the patents are unique and not found in any references of international research reports.